Monday, 3 March 2014

Welfare State

The Welfare State is a safety net provided by the government and paid for by tax-payers so that the welfare of its citizens is assured, even when they need financial or other kinds of support. Welfare covers: "Maternity Benefit" for pregnant women, "State Pension" for retired elderly people, "Incapacity Benefits" for disabled people, "Child Benefit" for a mother with children, "Statutory Sick Pay"  for sick people who are registered as being unfit for work, "The Dole" for unemployed, and "Income Support" for employed people on a low income. There are differences in the Welfare State between different countries.

Many uk welfare benefits are available to non British people who need help. Paid for by the UK tax-payer. This might be unfair as the citizens are paying for immigrants. The government should look an appropriate solution for this problem, and find different way for immigrants to pay taxes.

Comparing and contrast between Qatar and the UK. To begin with, in the UK the old people receives pensions approximatly £110 a week after the age 65. This is different from Qatar where Qatari people receive pension after working for the government for 10 years. Besides, the pension approximately about £1000 a week. Secondly, Statutory benefit, for the UK citizens they recieves £86.70 a week. While Qatari citizens recieves the full salary without any discounts, and for sure it depends on the amount of the salary that each person takes. The UK citizens might ask for the dole while they are seeking for a job. According to the UK government is that bet the age 16 and 24 recieves £56.80, and 25 or over receives £71.70. As it is called joobseekers allowance. This is different from Qatar, Qatari citizens do not  recieves any jobseeking benefits.

Some benefit the UK citizens recieve, while Qatar government do not offer for its citizens. For example, Jobseeker's Allowance. In the other hand, Qatar benefit is higher than the UK benefit. As a result, both countries are trying to benefit the citizens in somehow.

Ture2us (2014) Benefit Changes Timetable. Available at:
[Accessed 20 March 2014]

Gov.UK (2014) Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA). Available at: [Accessed 10 march 2014]

Monday, 17 February 2014

Globalised Values

Cultural divergence seems to be increasing. Although there may be similarities، such as، women rights, thay are different in somehow. For example, legislation against children. Differences might result a bad behavior between cultures. According to Volpp (2000) "Differentiation can occur through numerous identity-based distinctions-class and sexuality". Firstly, Physical punishment, youth physical punishment could cause from their bad behave. Children may be shocked or be more careless and fearless as result of smacking. Both the UK and Qatar parents smack their children for misbehaving. However, the UK assembly legislate against smacking, while in Qatar, the parents have the freedom to smack their children. Some says that children punishment refers to the parents decision. While others says that children physical punishment might result a bad behave which, must be legislate by the government. As a result, law differences might occur cultural divergence.


 Volpp, l. (2000) 'Blaming Culture for Bad Behavior', 12 Yale J.L. & Human. 89, Available at: (Accessed: 23 January 2014)

Monday, 3 February 2014

The role of the news media

The news or the press play an important role in our community. The press feeds us with news of events in countries and our society. Moreover, it also connects us educationally, politically and economically and updates us with fresh news. Media can be transfer through T.V, Radio, Books, Magazine and Newspaper. Curtis (2012) stated "First there were books, then newspapers, magazines, photography, sound recordings, films, radio, television, the so-called New Media of the Internet, and now social media".Unfortunately, some journalists may be crossing boundaries by invading into other people private life. According to Penenberg (no date) "Done unethically, it can violate a citizen's privacy through unwarranted surveillance and intrusion into people's private business, and erode public trust". In summary, news reporting can a double-edged sword therefore should be used properly in order to avoid harming others.



Curtis, A. (2012) Mass Media Influence on Society. Available at: (Accessed: 15 February 2014)

Penenberg, A. (no date) NYU Journalism Handbook for Students Ethics, Law and Good Practice. Available at: (Accessed: 15 February 2014) 

Monday, 20 January 2014


Causes of homelessness :-

The statistics show that the number of homeless is increasing nowadays in some countries while it is decreasing in other countries. Mason (2013) stated "Homelessness has increased for three consecutive years, partly because of housing shortages and cuts to benefits, with an estimated 185,000 people a year now affected in England".
The increase in the rate of homelessness is due to many reasons such as unemployment which brings with it a lack of income. This situation may arise because they are unqualified and so lack academic certificates. Secondly, some youth have their own problems with their family members. This problem might lead them to leave their home before having enough mony to find their accommodation. According to Crisis (2012) "Young people become homeless because they are forced to leave their current accommodation and are not able to find a suitable alternative".

The Government should provide shelters for those homelessness. For example, build few hostile, 2-3 star hotel and small flats where they can share in. Secondly, offer jobs to earn monthly salary. Besides, companies, shops, malls, and private property should work as hard as they can to help both Government and the homelessness.

Sharing flats could leads to problems between homelessness. Some people may drink alcohol at night which leads to disturbs other. Old homeless people can not work in certain jobs. This due to their mental health problems. So, all governments should meet together and discuss this situation and look up for suitable solution to satisfy both parties


Crisis (2012) Research briefing: Young, hidden and homeless. Available at: (Accessed: 27 Jan 2014)

Mason, R. (2013) 'Number of homeless in England has risen for 3 years in a row, report says', The Guardian, 13 December [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 20 Jan 2014).

[PIC1] Scottish Government (2013)
Percentage of homeless households assessed as priority [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 20 Jan 2014).

[PIC2] The ACT Government (2008) ACT calls for per capita homelessness funding [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 20 Jan 2014).

Monday, 13 January 2014

Youth unemployment in the UK

Youth unemployment is now a big problem in the U.K.
There are a number of causes for high youth unemployment :-
  1. Suspended teens from school, in other way unqualified students.
  2. A person with mental health problem.
  3. Immigrants are working for less money.
  4. Youth are being more lazy to do things. So, some jobs do not accept them
This highly problematic situation are affecting negatively on teenagers in current life, and this setting their lives at risk. Young people feel that they have nothing to live for. A lady called katherine works as a reporter at the BBC news, interviewed one of the youth unemployed named Chris Newell. Newell (2014) as cited in Sellgren (2014) said " I just got into a cycle of staying in bed because I had nothing to wake up for. Then I began noticing my mental health getting worse and worse. I became depressed and anxious. When I went out in public it got to the point where I felt paranoid and edgy around people". The government is doing their best to find a appropriate solution for this problem, while jobs at the same time must offers young citizen the opportunity rather than offering immigrants.

Some citizens are unqualified, old people with mental health problem, and non-compliant with the work conditions. Therefore, these people listed above are not accepted in some particular jobs.

 It is recommended from families to help their sons and daughters to get their qualified certificate, and not to neglect them. In the future, the problem might be solved and thing would be better. 


Newell, C. (2014) Young people 'feel they have nothing to live for': BBC News education and family reporter. 2nd end. basingstoke: Sellgren, K. Available at: [Accessed: 14 Jan 2014]

[PIC] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Jan 2014]

Friday, 6 December 2013

U.K studying

1) Do you now feel differently about living and studying in the U.K than you felt in september ?

Yes, i feel a big different.

2) Why ?

When i first arrived to the U.K. Things were new to me. It was my first time to study far away from my country and family. My culture was totally different than the Welsh culture. Now, things had become much easier. I started to feel that I am one of the Welsh citizen. This is because of the kindness of the Welsh people. They try their best to help imigrants and resident.

3) In what way do you thing you have changed or not changed ?

In my daily routine. I changed my life to Welsh people life. I arranged my schedule, and gave every thing its right. Studying , hanging out , gym and sleeping. Trying to not mix things together. Everyday , i relized that thing are becoming much easier.

4) Is changing a good or bad thing ?

It depends on the things most of the time.

5) Why ?
If this aspect were useful , and suitable for a person life, that would be a good thing, and if the thing were unuseful or just wasting time. That would be a bad thing.

Friday, 29 November 2013

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigration

Immigration are increasing in many countries, wethear to developed or developing country. There are many advantages and disadvantages of this view.

firstly, imigrants to a developed country may work for less money than citizen, and this is an advantage point of view. Rather than paying for citizen more money and taking less taxes, imigrants will provides the government positive service. Other point of view (disadvantages) confirms that imigration to a developed country might affects on citizen with a negative impact. This due to an increasing in unemployment.

Secondly, imigrants to a developing country could build the country in neatlly and well-arranged way with less money. In the other side, many imigrants would cause traffic and air polution. This is because of using much machines tools for building.

consequently, short term immigration suited a developed country, because developed country is not in need with immigrants as much as a developing country. Long term immigratrion will fitt a developing counrty and thats to developed the country more and more.

Finally,  regarding to refugees, these people are in need with our help. some refugees young children are looking after their young brothers and sisters. So, next country must stands and help refugees , because they have no place to go and live in. Either Short or long term immigration.