Monday, 3 March 2014

Welfare State

The Welfare State is a safety net provided by the government and paid for by tax-payers so that the welfare of its citizens is assured, even when they need financial or other kinds of support. Welfare covers: "Maternity Benefit" for pregnant women, "State Pension" for retired elderly people, "Incapacity Benefits" for disabled people, "Child Benefit" for a mother with children, "Statutory Sick Pay"  for sick people who are registered as being unfit for work, "The Dole" for unemployed, and "Income Support" for employed people on a low income. There are differences in the Welfare State between different countries.

Many uk welfare benefits are available to non British people who need help. Paid for by the UK tax-payer. This might be unfair as the citizens are paying for immigrants. The government should look an appropriate solution for this problem, and find different way for immigrants to pay taxes.

Comparing and contrast between Qatar and the UK. To begin with, in the UK the old people receives pensions approximatly £110 a week after the age 65. This is different from Qatar where Qatari people receive pension after working for the government for 10 years. Besides, the pension approximately about £1000 a week. Secondly, Statutory benefit, for the UK citizens they recieves £86.70 a week. While Qatari citizens recieves the full salary without any discounts, and for sure it depends on the amount of the salary that each person takes. The UK citizens might ask for the dole while they are seeking for a job. According to the UK government is that bet the age 16 and 24 recieves £56.80, and 25 or over receives £71.70. As it is called joobseekers allowance. This is different from Qatar, Qatari citizens do not  recieves any jobseeking benefits.

Some benefit the UK citizens recieve, while Qatar government do not offer for its citizens. For example, Jobseeker's Allowance. In the other hand, Qatar benefit is higher than the UK benefit. As a result, both countries are trying to benefit the citizens in somehow.

Ture2us (2014) Benefit Changes Timetable. Available at:
[Accessed 20 March 2014]

Gov.UK (2014) Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA). Available at: [Accessed 10 march 2014]

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